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Upcoming Workshop Drama Therapy for Special Needs July 2017….



This workshop is tailored for those working with Special Needs children using the techniques of Drama Therapy. This is supported by Drama Victoria and can be used for accreditation for Special Needs Professional development.

The location is

QPO Upstairs Function Room, High Street, Kew 3101. Victoria.

Please email dramatherapyinst@hotmail.com  for a registration form.

Places filling fast, don’t delay.

Drama Therapy Definition

Drama Therapy Institute of Australia

Drama Therapy is the intentional use of drama processes and/or theatre productions to achieve therapeutic goals. Drama therapists use improvisation, theatre games, role play, storytelling, puppetry, masks, psychodrama, sociodrama, performance and many other active, embodied, experiential techniques to access and address clients’ needs and therapeutic goals. Drama Therapy is used for prevention, intervention and treatment in a wide variety of settings. Most Drama Therapists work with groups, but some also work with families, couples, and individuals.